I design, code, and make art installations. Interweaving media archaeological and iconological theory, studio art practice, and computational photography research, I am driven by the necessity to address and critique contemporary image culture from its technological and material basis. This often leads to interactive video installations that unravel the digital imaging apparatus in physical space and include the spectators in an interactive discourse about digital image creation, manipulation, and consumption.

I am currently a graduate student and a research assistant at the Rendering and Imaging Science Lab at Dartmouth College. Advised by Adithya Pediredla, I am doing research in computational photography with a focus on continuous wave time-of-flight cameras, while working on interdisciplinary art projects.

Currently, I am focusing on my master’s thesis, Embodied Visions, which consists of three pieces of interactive installations that use projectors to demonstrate the possibilities of reimagining the relation between the computational imaging sytem, the body of the observer, and the physical space.

NEW: Thesis Exhibition “Embodied Visions” in Dartmouth DEV studio April 20-23. 

NEW: I will be presenting my co-authored paper, “Snapshot Lidar: Fourier embedding of amplitude and phase for single-image depth reconstruction” at CVPR 2024 in Seattle.


Best Demo Shortlist, International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP)
Best Project (Judges’ Choice) in Computational Photography, Dartmouth College

100%-Tuition Merit Scholarship, Dartmouth College

Shanley Memorial Prize in Architecture, Princeton University
The School of Architecture Urbanism Prize, Princeton University
Lucas Award in Visual Arts, Princeton University
Inducted to the Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society

Berl Senior Thesis Award in Visual Arts, Princeton University


Rendering and Imaging Science Lab, Dartmouth College
Advisor: Adithya Pediredla

Undergraduate Thesis in Architecture and Urban Studies:
“Time-Image of Cities: Filmic Representations in Urban Imaginaries 1960’s -1970’s”
Advisors: Monica Ponce de Leon, Daniel Sherer, M. Christine Boyer
Undergraduate Thesis in Visual Arts: “alluvial”
Advisors: Kenneth Tam, Pam Lins

Fluvial Metropolis Research Network, Princeton University School of Architecture
Video installation featured in the 12th Architectural Biennale in Sao Paulo
Advisor: Mario Gandelsonas

Fluvial Metropolis Group, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, University of Sao Paulo
Advisor: Alexandre Delijaicov


2022-2024 (expected)
Dartmouth College, M.S. in Computer Science with a Concentration in Digital Arts

Harvard University Graduate School of Design, completed 40 credits towards an M.Arch degree

Princeton University, A.B. in Architecture with Highest Honors
Certificates in Urban Studies and Visual Arts

Print Portfolio (Architecture)

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©  2024 | Yunzi Shi